Follow these simple rules and I guarantee you will lose weight!
(Please advise your physician before taking any diet regimen)
1. Know what you are eating!
Knowing the nutritional value of what you eat empowers you to make the choice of what to eat. It takes only like half a minute to find out if what you want to eat is worth it.
Here's a plan and what to look for:
Click and read this article to help you find out HOW MUCH FAT SHOULD YOU EAT in a day.
Better yet, if you want to find out EXACTLY how much calories and fat you should be eating, take this TEST!
2. Understand Food Labels.
Calorie-free: fewer than 5 calories per serving
Fat Free: less than 0.5g of fat per serving
Trans Fat Free: less than 0.5g of trans fats per serving
Cholesterol Free: less than 2mg per serving and 2g or less saturated fat per serving
Low fat: less than 3 grams of fat per serving
Low Saturated Fat: 1g or less and 15% or less of calories from saturated fat
Low calorie: 40 calories or less per serving
Low Cholesterol: 20mg or less per serving and 2g or less saturated fat per serving
Reduced fat: 25% less fat than the same regular brand
Light: 50% less fat than the same regular product.
Lean: less than 10 grams of fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per serving
Extra lean: less than 5 grams of fat, less than 2 grams saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per serving
3. Use the Eat-Well Plate.
Click the picture above for a larger image!
The Eat Well Plate is designed to guide us how much we should be eating what.
The Eat-Well Plate is from
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