Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Pursuit of Ivy's Happy-ness

The Author with Ivy (On the Left)

Ivy is one of my best friends.. she is the kind of person who not everyone agrees with.. especially girls. I don't know why because Ivy is a fiercely loyal friend. It must be because her personality comes off as particularly strong, and the fact that she lacks any kind of tact (which by the way I find endearing), and maybe because she gets the boys.

Most girls can become so bitchy and envious about this. And a lot of times Ivy has had to defend herself, and I do too though I don't tell her that.

I've known her half her teenage life and most of her adult life, and I've seen her go through break-ups after break-ups.. just the ordinary girl who wants to find love, you know.

And so finally, she did.

The Author with Bruce (Ivy's Boyfriend)

Bruce is not Filipino. I was wary of him when she first told me because I can become quite suspicious of foreigners.

But I was pleasantly surprised to find that Bruce is not the stereotypical British guy. He was funny (a bit cheeky if you ask me hehehe), and extraordinarily open about himself.

I think Ivy is having difficulty with a lot of people trashing her and her relationship with Bruce (that includes immigration hehehe) because most pinoys would think that Ivy is only using Bruce.

Well, Ivy is anything BUT a person who uses other people for personal gain. She can be quite a (stingy!) flirtatious girl and some might say promiscuous.. but I have never known her to be anything but herself.

This is the happiest I've seen of her and I'm more than glad because she deserves it! :D

The gang with Brucey

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